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kok全站app官网登录 中国携手维视智造,共同打造智能制造数字化网站建设平台

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来源:kok全站app官网登录 中国| 类型:维护| 时间:2012-08-17
北京网站建设公司kok全站app官网登录 中国:第一次被百度K是发生在6月末,当时知道后相当心灰意冷,当时真的无法理解百度为什么会K掉我的网站,因为我的网站基本都是原创的,伪原创也有几篇,直接转载的就少之又少了,而且一直都认为原创才是王道,百度看到我的网站原创指数那么高,应该会给相当高的权重,但事与愿违,结果往往与期待的相反。但经历两三年的折腾,其实我明白是运营一个网站会seo网站优化或网络推广营销很重要,网站内容可以原创更重要,但是,能够坚持不懈地运营网站,不被无数小困难,小挫折击败才是最最重要的。所以被百度K掉不可怕,只要依旧坚持原创,坚持发帖增加外链,百度总不会有眼不识泰山的,网站一定会重新恢复的,重新被百度所接纳的,加之后来了解到了凤巢系统在升级(个人经验:因为以前百度将原来的竞价系统转化为凤巢系统时也出现过数据大规模不正常的现象)以及百度有可能是在对我网站进行第一次审核(个人经验:因为一个新的网站百度收录后还会对其进行两三次审核,在审核期宁可不做,切记一味地转载文章)。最终,在继续坚持了半个月的原创和在几个权重网站发了一两篇文章后我的网站果然重新被百度所接纳,而经过了这次被K后重新收录后,我也对自己这两年来学到的理论和得出的经验更加的自信。
The Beijing website construction company Luxuries: China was first Baidu K is occurring at the end of the 6, then know quite downhearted, was never really understood why baidu K off my website, because my site are original, pseudo-original also has several direct reprint, less and less, and always think that the original is king, baidu see my website original index so high, should give a high weight, but get the opposite of what one wants, often results in and look instead. But after two or three years of struggle, I know that is running a web site or SEO website optimization promotion network marketing is important, website content can be original is more important, however, unremittingly to operate the site, not by numerous small difficulty, small setback defeat is the most important. So be Baidu K drop is not terrible, as long as still adhere to the original post, hold the chain increases, baidu never to entertain an angel unawares, the website will be restored, to be adopted by Baidu, Ka No learned that the phoenix mew system upgrade (personal experience: for Baidu before the original bidding system into phoenix mew system have also appeared when data on a large scale not normal phenomenon ) as well as Baidu may be on my website for the first time, the audit (personal experience: as a new website Baidu after collecting the audit will be two or three times, in the audit period would not do, remember that simply reprinted articles ). In the end, continue to adhere to the principle of half a month's original and in several weight site sent one or two articles after my website and to be accepted by Baidu, and after this was K reincluding, I also to his two this years to learn theory and the experience more self confidence.

But the best soon, in early 8, my site second times by Baidu K, really a sentence, this is K make me feel more tired heart ( a lot of stationmaster in operation website will feel tired heart, in fact, the reason why there is such a strong feeling, because we often encountered many difficulties we have been wandering, lead to persist and give up the edge ), I was really very difficult to understand why baidu so soon and on my website to review, after more than half a month, and my website has always adhere to the original, others turn to carry so well. Baidu? Again against my beliefs. And this time, I chose to revel, to K K, to collect is collected, I adhere to their own ideas on the line. This time we did not like the last time as the original two or three days every day, but the original one, but also much reprinted a few good article, other time to play, taking a walk, after all, running a web site is really very tired, only through the process of psychological adjustment to balance the slightly up billows of mind. It took about half a month still found no improvement, but estimates audit period is almost over, as long as a force that Baidu will be collected afresh, so I take the exchange links way, did not think of only the exchange of two links, Baidu will collect my website. After the K experience, I also realized high weight and high quality outside the chain are an essential part of operation website.

This is the two time by Baidu website K two off to restore experience and experience, you want to website by Baidu K off and in the confusion of stationmaster people somewhat enlightenment and help. After two years of study and practice, do a website to be successful, in addition to adhere to insist, insist on is really the only secret website operation. To overcome the life of a little difficult, often is the real winner! Because it can overcome a little difficult people is a must have patience, can insist on, can bear hardships, determined man! Have a look can succeed or not is have to bite the bullet and bullet go! Really, insist on is the victory!
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