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kok全站app官网登录 中国携手维视智造,共同打造智能制造数字化网站建设平台

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来源:kok全站app官网登录 中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2013-10-03
Small and medium-sized enterprise website construction is an important part of implementing the informationization of small and medium enterprises, promote the small and medium-sized enterprise informatization is necessary to take new industrial road, the small and medium-sized enterprise for goods or services network is adapted to the wise choice of enterprise management in the new era. The small and medium-sized enterprise website construction is to provide an online publicity window to the people, the breakthrough, but also to realize the information so far, small and medium-sized enterprises basically have established their own websites, but there are still a part of small and medium-sized enterprises still have not realized the importance of marketing type website construction, this article analyzes the problems and Countermeasures in the website construction and promotion of plain has been established website of medium and small enterprises:

The website information is not updated and not updated in a timely manner

Many small and medium-sized enterprise web site is what kind, for a long time or what, changed some way to contact, there is no update, some want to get in touch with you I'm afraid not too convenient, general will turn your competition and cooperation. Small and medium enterprises because of less information, website maintenance is not too complex, basically a few days update, you can, including the news industry news, enterprise, product promotion and other information update. Industry news directly to the relevant industry website reprint, business news and don't need what literary grace, recording the detailed situation can truthfully, product display pages as far as possible on the product detail, do meticulous, see the instructions you can basically understand. The appropriate time can make corresponding topics, such as the moon enterprises, in the Mid Autumn Festival period can make related topics, with combined sales market within some advertising, is of great help to the sales of the products.

A single service, do not interact with the simple

Small and medium-sized enterprises in the product or service to show a little effort, the first impression to visitors to the website is clear, what we do, what product or service is our advantage, need our products how fast to contact us, don't let the viewer can not touch the head, this need in the website construction need to set up reasonable columns, make good user experience. General have such edition piece, introduction, product exhibition, contact us, online message, business news, features, content is rich, the overall framework. At the same time may be appropriately modified according to the feedback from visitors and staff suggestions, so as to.

Promotion is not enough

Some enterprises even their own internal people don't know the address of the web site, and what is more, once I found a dozen in product information on the site is wrong, and wrong time has for a long time, but still not corrected. Site is the enterprise online trademark, enterprises are doing business cards, brochures and other promotional materials must play on your own web site, at the same time with the various channels online line extension, including the now popular enterprise blog promotion, participate in or organization should pay attention to promote industry events etc.. Published some quality text, at this point you can benefit by mutual discussion, understanding of the industry, should be able to write such soft Wen expand influence.

No amount of funds, no people to special maintenance

In fact, the small and medium-sized enterprise website construction and maintenance of investment is not many, including computer and other equipment, staff wages and other inputs, generally one or two people to maintain enough, they are mainly the promotion and service site, issues related to web technology by the production site to help solve the small part of power network, opening up markets, can digging potential, but also increase the enterprise image propaganda, but the value is much more than the original investment. Now some small and medium-sized enterprises do better, equipped with specialized personnel to carry out online sales, have a friend who is such a product, they do business, due to the importance of online merchants, website promotion efforts, the net profit is still considerable, this is a good example.

The focus of attention:

Website construction investment is also better help enterprises to expand the online market, and promote the corporate image and increase brand awareness, and these are all provided the impetus for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the state vigorously promote the informatization construction of small and medium-sized enterprises, the purpose is to activate the small and medium-sized enterprise management thinking, to improve the economy of small and medium-sized enterprises combination benefits of traditional market and online market.
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