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kok全站app官网登录 中国携手维视智造,共同打造智能制造数字化网站建设平台

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来源:kok全站app官网登录 中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2013-07-11
Overview of marketing website

Marketing type website construction, refers to the network marketing idea as the core, to the future marketing promotion for the purpose and the starting point of exergy, and carry out the whole process of production site, make sure every step, every step considering marketing function demand, make the website that has an on-line marketing function and to optimize the promotion features of the marketing functions of the website.

Making the marketing website.

A significant feature of a good performance, search engine marketing website is that it can "self promotion", which highlighted the have good search engine performance in the marketing type site, enterprise site in the search engine ranking ten pages dozens of pages, users can not find you, lose and a large number of target customers online sales opportunity; in the small and medium-sized enterprise network marketing type website, search engine optimization work is a basic and long-term work, from the initial planning stages of enterprise website must begin, but must be through the website production and operation of the late process.

二、真正的网络营销为导向营销为主、技术为辅 传统网站不营销,除了技术落后之外,更重要的是思想、理念落后。网站要想起到网络营销的作用,关键因素是是否站在营销的高度设计。威博先锋始终奉行“营销为主、技术为辅”的理念,只制作真正营销型的企业网站。
Primarily, the real network marketing oriented marketing techniques supplemented by traditional website not marketing, in addition to backward technology, more important is the thought, idea is backward. Site to think of the role of network marketing, the key factor is whether the design of marketing. Webo pioneer always adhere to the "marketing, technology as" concept, only making the real marketing type enterprise website.


A good user experience good user experience can let potential customers find interested in the product or service, fully understand the details of the content and characteristics of the service, to establish contact with enterprises through various interactive mode. High quality of valuable information and online customer service system is convenient and target customers of instant communication, consultation and feedback, greatly improve the visitors into the proportion of customers buy really bring order and customer to the enterprise, the enterprise marketing type website into real money-making tools.

Making the elements of the marketing type site

Goals must be clear the small and medium-sized enterprise marketing type site is mainly for the purpose of marketing website, do website can not know his specific role. Just put the site profiles, corporate culture, product display display on the website, specifically produced no benefit, no matter, only an image of the propaganda, such website, just a decoration on the no effect.

Rich in content, quality selection of making marketing type site should not only pay attention to the management of website, website program, a good marketing website and its content is very rich, and each one of the quality of the content is selected. But now many enterprises believe that the characters who will write, however, specialize in one subject, marketing copy also need professional personnel, is to let the professional say could not write the marketing staff to write, also won't good where to go. Therefore, only a few articles, but also the quality of rough website, return rate is almost zero, is say what network marketing.

(3)访问速度快中小企业营销型的网站不能只注重表形式的美观,而忽视了内容、结构、更新速度。一个网站看起来很漂亮 ,但是如果打开的速度极慢,那么大多数人是不会关注你的,客户一般是没有多大的耐心的。所以即使你的网站在漂亮也不有什么效果。
Quick access of small and medium-sized enterprise marketing type website not only pay attention to the form of the beautiful, and ignore the content, structure, update speed. A site that looks very beautiful, but if the open speed is very slow, so most people won't pay attention to you, the customer is generally not much patience. So even if your website in the beautiful also does not have what effect.

Communicate with the user a for the purpose of Marketing Marketing type website of medium and small businesses must have contact information, but also can at any time to communicate with customers, it might be easy for us to know in time the idea of customers, to provide services to customers. If no contact, so to customers how to contact you, how to build a customer base.

Details of the whole process, be just perfect small and medium-sized enterprise marketing type site implementation should pay attention to detail, so that every detail in the network marketing website, details of the implementation determines the site in the search engine's performance, but also to obtain a good user experience foundation, marketing type site is take the customer as the center, details each must batted, crafted, so we can really improve customer conversion rate.

总结(sum up)

The small and medium-sized enterprise marketing type website production is of course not only includes all above these, but the site is not a work of art, clear must be designed, is convenient for users to browse. Marketing type website production is a kind of technology and marketing strategy combination of Web services.
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