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kok全站app官网登录 中国携手维视智造,共同打造智能制造数字化网站建设平台

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来源:kok全站app官网登录 中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2012-08-13
“从 2006 年到 2007 年,从“视频元年”到“互联网视频决胜年”,网络技术创新的 发展十分的迅速,颠覆性的改变了传统领域的发展速度。根据市场调查机构的研究,互联网 视频广告在 2007 年会出现井喷,以 90%的速率上涨至 7.75 亿美元。而到了 2010 年,在线 视频广告将会带来 29 亿美元的收入,将占据整个互联网广告市场 11.5%的市场份额。”由 此段从网络中摘抄出来的话可以看出来, 网络的发展速度和程度是飞快的, 未来的前景在估 计的范围内,已经非常的惊人,而实际的收入和网站的增长率是无法估计的。
"From 2006 in 2007 to in, from" video first year "to" the Internet video JueShengNian ", the development of network technology innovation is very rapid, disruptive change the traditional areas of development speed. According to the market research institutions, the Internet video advertising study in 2007, with 90% of the blowout appear to rise to 775 million dollars. Rate by 2010, online video advertising will bring in $2.9 billion in revenue, will take up the whole Internet advertising market 11.5% share of the market." By this time period from network copied out words can see, the development of the network speed and degree is fast, the prospect of future in it within the scope of the project, is already very surprising, and the actual income and the growth rate of the site can't estimate.

随着 youtube 被天价收购, 国内各大视频北京网站建设相继获得青睐, 人们也渐渐的开始认 识到这一块市场的巨大潜力。越来越多的人在网络视频、文本、网站以及游戏上消费,使得 2007 年的互联网看起来商机无限,如何来开发这样一块蛋糕,分享这块蛋糕,是目前各个 行业最为感兴趣的话题。
With the acquisition of youtube is day price, the domestic video Beijing website construction successively obtain favour, people also gradually began to recognize that a general to the vast market potential. More and more people in the network video, text, web sites and the consumption on the game, makes 2007 Internet looks unlimited business opportunities, how to develop such a piece of cake, share the cake, is the most interested in each industry of the topic.

网页设计分为网站前台和后台, 前台就是整个页面的布局色彩用 photoshop 制作, 这需 要有美感,一般搞艺术的从事的比较多,没学过艺术之类很少有人看好,如果客户要求不高 还行。 再有就是网站后台,就是动态网页编程,Dreamweaver,ASP,PHP,ASP.NET,这类 人员就不是几个月培训能完成的了, 需要在实践中总结到知识和经验, 以便于更好的运用软件和制作网页。
Web page design is divided into web site at the front desk and backstage, front desk is the whole page layout colorific with photoshop creation, this need to have aesthetic feeling, general artist engaged in more, didn't take such as art few value, if the customer demand is not high also do. Another is the website backstage, is dynamic web programming, Dreamweaver, ASP, PHP, ASP.net, this kind of personnel training is not a few months to complete, need to be in practice to knowledge and experience, in order to better use the software and make a web page.

有人说网页建设行业是中国人中存在聪明人最多的一个行业。 这个行业的出现是因为 互联网的革命浪潮造就了太多的财富神话, 而网站建设行业是进入互联网圈子、 成长为互联 网英雄的主要入门途径。搜狐、网易、腾讯等绝大多数当今互联网上的明星都是从网站建设 行业走出来的,他们的成功故事激励着一批又一批年轻人投入这个充满激情与理想的行业。 说这个行业是中国聪明人最多的行业一点也不夸张, 因为尽管这个行业很年轻, 但它总是能 在很短的时间内吸收传统行业多年积累的经验, 让自己省去漫长的探索时间, 少走很多弯路。 这个行业的经验是全球共享的,信息流通速度快,交流方式快捷简单且廉价。无论在世界的哪一个角落,只要你有好的创意和想法,就会迅速的被全世界发现。
Some say web construction industry is existing in Chinese the most wise men of an industry. The industry because the Internet revolution wave appear too much wealth created myths, and website construction industry is into the Internet, growth for the circle of the main entry way hero nets. Sohu, netease, tencent, the vast majority of stars on the Internet today from the website construction industry to come out of, their success stories inspire group after group put into this young man of passion and ideal of the industry. Said the industry is China a wise man most industry don't exaggerate, because although the industry is very young, but it always in a very short period of time absorbing traditional industry years of accumulation of experience, let oneself save the exploration of long time, walk a lot less detour. This kind of experience is the Shared, information flow speed, simple and cheap way to communicate quickly. No matter in the world which corner, as long as you have good ideas and thoughts, you will quickly be found all over the world.

然而过去的光环遮盖住了残酷的现实, 当媒体的目光都关注在少数互联网明星在资本市 场上一掷千金的豪迈时, 却忽略了网站建设行业当前的生存状况。 人们在自己的网站一蹶不振的时候, 总是安慰自己说大公司也是从摆地摊的一点一滴白手起家的, 可实际上每个人心 里都乌云密布, 想不清也说不明白为什么自己的网站无法像那些互联网明星一样迅速蓬勃起 来。 网站建设、SEO网站优化行业究竟怎样了呢?有人曾经走访了许多家网络公司, 看到的现象让我体会到 的是: 网站建设不再是以前几个人凑在一起, 拉上两个遍地都是的网页工程师向客户推销自 己的企业建站服务就能办到的事情。且不用说国际市场的成熟,单说国内,许多大型网络企 业已经开始了新的探索,这些有眼光的、少数的专业公司越来越注重把网站做成精品,从程 序员主导发展成设计人员主导,让网站成为更灵动、丰富,更具创意和表现力的全新媒体。 这是一个全新的方向,给整个行业注入了新鲜的血液,赋予了新的内容,给这个年轻的行业 带来了很大的震动。在许多人进入这一行业,但是一筹莫展、茫然四顾的时候,一些大型的 网站建设公司已经看到了未来的发展前景,迅速的做出了反映,确定了自己的目标,并且坚 定的朝着目标全力以赴的努力。 正式因为这样的反应力和决断力, 才可以让他们一直在网络 行业中一直领先于其他企业。
However the past aura cover the cruel reality, when the media eyes were focused on a few stars in the capital city of Internet on the heroic to splurge, but ignore the website construction industry of current living situation. People in your own web site to dust of time, always consolation said big companies is also a bit of a drop from put stall in the self-made man, but in fact all the dark clouds in everyone's mind, doubt also not understand why their websites can not like the Internet star booming up as fast. The construction site, SEO website optimization industry how? Someone once visited many home network company, see phenomenon let me feel is: website construction is no longer ago few people were gathered together, pull on two everywhere customers to sell web engineer yes myself from enterprise service the station can do things. And needless to say the international markets mature, but domestic, many large network enterprises industry has already started the new exploration, the eye, a few of the professional company pay more and more attention to the website to make high-quality goods, from leading development process sequence member into design personnel leading to make web sites become more clever, rich, more creative and expressive force of the new media. This is a new direction, to the entire industry injected fresh blood, endowed with new content, to the young industry has brought a lot of shock. In many people into the sector, but despite, confused when looks, some large website construction companies have seen the future, and then quickly made reflect, determine his goal, and established the set of all of efforts toward that goal. Because this reaction force formal and determination, can let them have been in network industries has been leading in other enterprise.

比尔·盖茨说: “事实上我之所以真正成为世界首富,除了知识、人脉、微软公司很会行 销之外,有一个前提,是大部分人没有发现的,这个关键就叫做眼光好。 我们都知道 IT ” 行业的优势, 但是必须要够勤奋, 对人生充满激情的人才可以在这个人才济济的行业中崭露 头角。网络建设已经是一个非常成熟的市场,但是同时也具有相当的风险性。现在大大小小 的企业都会想到给自己的企业设立一个网站,而这么多的商机,能不能把握,我认为并不在 于技术和能力,而是在于企业的态度。 近来,郑州许多公司纷纷建立起自己的网站,为公司企业的发展提供了良好的契机,快 速树立起了公司的形象,将自己的品牌迅速扩展到全国乃至世界各地。企业建立UEO营销型网站不仅可以树立和展示自己的形象, 还可以与客户保持良好的沟通和互动, 同时还可以节省大量的通讯费,也可以及时的看到客户的反馈,是非常明智的选择。 虽然现在有许多的各种各样的网站,但是在我看了这里还有相当大的空间,因为在一 方面,无论哪一方面的网站从功能到内容,齐全的好的都不多。另一方面,目前许多人使用 现有的系统建立论坛或网站,但这些通用性的程序仍然是具有自身的缺陷:它们太通用了, 如果要用于特定的领域,则多显不足。但只要加以学习,也可以在较短的时间内掌握做网站 需要的知识,一步步制作更好的网站。
Bill Gates said: "in fact I have really become the richest man in the world, except knowledge, contacts, Microsoft is outside, there is a line pin premise is that most people have not found, the key is called good eye. We all know IT" industry advantage, but must be hard enough, to the life full of passion talents can be in this people are numerous industry swell in the community. The network construction has is a very mature market, but also has a risk. Now greatly small enterprise can think of to own enterprise to set up a web site, and so many business opportunities, can hold, I think not in in technology and ability, but rather the attitude of the enterprise. Recently, zhengzhou many companies have set up their own web site, for the development of the company provides a good opportunity, quick speed up the image of the company, will own brand expanded to the country and around the world. Enterprises to establish UEO marketing type website can not only set up and display their own image, still can keep good communication with customers and interaction, and also can save you a lot of communications, also can in time to see the customer feedback, is very wise choice. Although there are many various web site, but in I saw here still a big space, because in a respect, no matter which of the website from function to content, complete all the good little. On the other hand, the number of people using the existing system established the BBS or website, but these general program still is to have its own flaw: they are so common, if want to in a particular area, is far from enough. But as long as to study, also can be in relatively short time grasp of the knowledge of the web site needs to do, step by step, create better website.

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