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来源:kok全站app官网登录 中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2012-08-04
How to get good rankings website, and retain customers?

一、域名和网站年龄因素分析(Domain name and website age factor analysis)

The older wine the more fragrant, the old site by the search engine welcome. Because of the existence of an old longer website, than a newly established may now will disappear website, will have more credibility. Site web site from age domain was search engine index to start the count. Here have to say about the value of old domain name, if there is an old domain name has not been punished search engine, and set up a large number of high quality reverse links, the PR value is higher, you can be taken, site of words, so, your site will have very large SEO advantage.

二、DMOZ和Wikipedia百科因素分析(DMOZ and Wikipedia encyclopedia factor analysis)

Dmoz(The Open Directory Project/ODP)是一个人工编辑管理的网址分类目录网站,为全球上百家的分类目录和很多搜索引擎提供数据。如果你的网站能够登录到DMOZ.org的话,意味着你会获得上百个分类目录的链接。同时,在其它条件相同的情况下,Google的第一页更倾向于留给已经加入Dmoz的网站。当然要加入DMOZ是有要求的,最基本的条件是网站要有丰富专业的内容,能够为用户带来独特价值。
Dmoz (The Open Directory Project/ODP) is an artificial editing management web site classification Directory sites, for global hundreds of classification Directory and many search engines provide data. If your web site to login to DMOZ. Org it, means that you will get hundreds of category links. Meanwhile, in the other terms of the same case, Google's first page more inclined to leave have been added to the site Dmoz. Of course to join DMOZ is of the request, the most fundamental condition is web site should have rich professional content, can bring unique value for the user.

If you often "baidu", must find baidu Wikipedia page often row on the first page, Wikipedia is equivalent to Google's encyclopedia Wikipedia, if you try to use English of Google search, must find Wikipedia Wikipedia page often row on the first page of a few before, SEO stone that article entitled predecessors "crazy Wikipedia, crazy Google" article that very this phenomenon.

三、网站内容因素分析(Website content factor analysis)

Website should have continued original content, to provide users with unique, the high quality, the content of the value. This is essential to the top.

Content: what effect in the SEO? Let's look at search engine say how?

Baidu in to head of the advice that "baidu more like unique original content. So, if your site is only a copy from everywhere, very collection may not be baidu included."

Google在网站管理员支持中心中提到“在网页上提供高品质的内容,尤其是主页。这是您要做的最重要的工作。”“提高在 Google 搜索结果中的网站排名的最重要步骤之一是确保网站内容丰富,在其中包含相关关键字,且关键字使用正确,能够指明网站内容的主题。”
Google in the web site administrator support center mentioned "on a web site, with high quality content, especially home page. This is you have to do the most important work." "Improve Google search results in the website ranking of the most important steps to make your website content is one of rich, in which contains related key words, and the key word used correctly, can indicate the theme of the web site."

Yahoo in the "web site are positioned by what decide?" A text of "high quality and rich content, yahoo search engines like grab original, professional, special, meaningful web content." This sentence as a method.

Three major search engines to one noted that they prefer the original, the high quality, the rich and unique, professional content sites, this is exactly the SEO industry should be almost all agree on them-site optimization, content is king. The author found that many personal original blog search engine especially on Google in all have very good ranking performance, the PR value more than 5 personal blog is not in the minority. This explains original, unique, and value, a planning site's content is the fundamentality of search engine optimization.

When many adsense have both in the mad acquisition, make rubbish site always beware web site was K, whether you can convert thoughts, path, ask yourself: "if I can for users to create have unique, wealth, and high quality content site?"

Around the popular keywords published some related articles in the optimization of the content is SEO strategy, if your web site higher weights, if your web page can in popular keywords when retrieving up at the front. Some good at make SEO portal is to use this strategy use their web site set up the accumulation of high weight includes many popular keywords topics, from his season-high search engine traffic.

四、网站内链因素分析(Web site chain factor analysis)

SEO link building including the construction and reverse link chain construction two aspects, the importance of the construction of reverse link, no secret. And for the role of the chain in construction, estimates that many webmaster and SEOer friends did not cause enough attention. In simple terms, the chain construction has the following function:

The reasonable construction in chain contribute to the concentration the theme of the web site, which makes the theme of core keywords in the search engine ranking has more advantages.

The reasonable construction in chain to the search engine spiders found more web links, thus increasing the number of web page was collected, and it is helpful to the PR value transfer.

Inside the reasonable construction convenient chain user access to relevant information, increases web page clicks, so as to improve the number of website PV.

In what form to have chain construction? Below to introduce some of the chain in several forms.

Web site navigation: try not to use FLASH and pictures, because most search engines can't grab FLASH and text contained in images.

The site map: suggest a website should have two pieces of the site map, a HTML users see, another one XML format submitted to the search engines.

Context links: increase the article on the opportunities, improve PV number.

Bread crumbs links: is such as "home page > > terminal column page content page" form.

The article ranking links: increase the article on the opportunities, improve PV number, transfer the PR value.

Relevant article link: increase the article on the opportunities, improve PV number, transfer the PR value.

Text links: it is to point to in the anchor text into text. Text links can't decorate too much, according to how much of the contents of the layout 2, 8 advisable.

Tag Tag: it is a form of organization classification, you can for each entry, pictures, video and other documents add one or more Tag, by adding Tag can enhance the theme of the correlation and the probability of being searched.

Reverse links and the PR value factor analysis:

You know, reverse link the quality and quantity of the PR value is to determine the size of a most important factors, and the PR value is measure site and the importance of the index. Decided to your web site in the search engine ranking the performance are two of the basic factors: the importance of your web site, 2 it is your web site and the correlation of key words. When several web site under the same correlation, importance of the website will biggest up at the front. The moonlight reverse link the number has blog a lot, reverse link quality most are good, the PR value of 6, the website weight is very high, so in many key words on the retrieval, although the competition page millions of even thousands of millions, but it can have a good ranking.

If, say, is the basis of web content SEO, keywords strategy is the core of SEO, then reverse link is the key to import SEO....... When everyone was for SEO, finally, the competition is the reverse links high quality who and quantity, because the quality of the reverse link number and your web site is to decide the size of importance most main factor. When your web site in the station optimization do about of time, the import high quality to reverse the links.

User experience (UE) factor analysis

SEO做得好能够为你的网站带来流量,UEO(User Experience Optimization)做得好则能够让你留住用户。
SEO do well for your website can bring flow, UEO (User Experience Optimization) well done, can let you keep users.

These keep users resources very precious, and they have high loyalty to web sites and viscosity, they will become your website's reputation communicators, for your site with continuous users. Hao123 success in much the public benefit from spread.

Here, to clarify a concept, many people will think website optimization is the SEO, SEO is site optimization, in fact, site optimization indicates SEO, site optimization include at least search engine optimization (SEO) and UEO (user experience optimization) two aspects. According to the network marketing predecessors FengYingJian point of view, site optimization also include website operation maintenance optimization.

So, what UEO including content? UEO should include the speed of the site, the quality of content, web site function of competence, web page design, the credibility of the web site of the website, security of optimization. In order to keep your users, in order to put your users into the customer, in you on your site for SEO, whether it should be on your site for UEO?

七、盈利模式分析(Profit model analysis)

Earnings way: Google alliance AD + baidu promotion + portal the theme advertising alliance

As long as there is rich flow as basic, advertising revenue is very considerable.

When your site weight is big enough (reflected in the PR value), in many key words search, your site will be able to have a good ranking.

No matter in any field, are youdao decompression two levels. For the word was used and the use of the word, the word to controlling technique, feel to art. The way of SEO is original, rich, unique, and value, constantly updating the site's content, SEO art of keywords strategy, have links, title and Meta optimization strategy, and so on, and even SEO cheating technology or yue black hat technology. The average people heavy art and softly, because art quick effect, and the effect is slow. Really high levels of SEO need to put the word of SEO and SEO art of combined well up, so your site to long-term living well, you can have a good day of moist.

SEO can bring web site traffic, UEO can keep visitors. The real website optimization would include at least SEO and UEO two aspects. Therefore, a qualified responsible SEOer to do insist on SEO and UEO XiangShengXiangChang website optimization idea.

If your web site worthy, please put your website submitted to DMOZ.

When everybody's website internal SEO are almost, who is the reverse link lists high quality and quantity.

Reverse link building is very important, internal links construction also cannot ignore.

Content is the foundation of the construction of SEO, keywords strategy is the core of SEO, construction is the key link SEO, UEO is the deepening of SEO.

SEO is done good web site is all the same, the bad website SEO each have each different.

Finally, quoted a words: "if no search engine, your site visitors, so you still full of website belong to 'the evergreen tree'....... The customer web site, and don't do for search engines do website, this is the true meaning of evergreen tree become web site."
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