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kok全站app官网登录 中国携手维视智造,共同打造智能制造数字化网站建设平台

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来源:kok全站app官网登录 中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2012-07-24
21 century is the age of the Internet. If you are going to for enterprises to establish a commercial site, is much more should pay attention to the website design VI. Designed as a production of the link, to the purpose of sales, by all kinds of restriction, and the formation of a functional simple design. Therefore, plane design in addition to the purpose of functional sex outside, how to work with the art of meaningful interest, is particularly important. Perhaps, plane design can not like pure art that free play, however, plane design also can be in the restrictions to show your emotions, this also is stylist pursuit of a core subject: through various forms means, convey complete and accurate information, and at the same time satisfy people aesthetic spiritual needs. Want to by affection and moving.

Website design VI important? To answer this question, they first have to answer: the look of the site is important? A web site's content is important, but if no one good-looking and attract appearance, even if has again good content, have again good structure, believe that the site's browsing the effect also can sell at a discount greatly, the visitor's reading interest will also big minus. Equal one connotation is rich but appearance of mediocre man in a public place appear, is difficult to attract attention. People say the Internet economy for attention economy, how to attract the public attention, in addition to content is an important factors outside, appearance also plays a very important role. The look of the site is very important, therefore, the web site of the VI design is very important also.

What is a good VI design? A good visual design, the first to have a good visual effect. A web site what is a have a good visual effect? One of the most simple discriminant method is to see her three eye: first, see if grab an eye; Two eyes, look to whether pleasing to the eye; The third eye, see is beautiful. In fact, the three eye is the first site to your feeling. The first feel important, visitors to the site can accept this web site, to a great extent, see have the feeling of this kind of love at first sight. If the answer is Yes, then, this site is to have a good visual effect, believe that your visitors will also resistance to sit to finish see throughout your website.

How to have a lets a person see admire visual effect? First look at the whole page color is harmonious, do not give a person dazzling sense; Next on the web site to see whether is easy to read the text, the text is too thin, color too shallow, page is too long or beyond the screen width is contrary to web design "aesthetic principles"; To look at the picture again, the picture is too big and too much, too fuzzy gets to the visitor's antipathy; The last to see "move" and "static" whether cooperate proper, unstinting abuse Flash, animated gifs, scrolling marquee effects such as can let a person dazzling, but inanimate, lifeless page can also make a person feel boring.

It said about the VI design is only a page is concerned, VI design, on the other hand is to see the whole site whether all of the pages of coordination and consistent. Each page is using the same kind of layout mode, the same background color and approximate button can increase web consistency, set up the unified style. This is the most basic and there is the most important of web site design VI.

如果你是打算为企业建立一个商业网站,则更加要注重网站的VI设计。如果你的企业本身已经有了一个统一的CI设计(Corporate Indentity,企业形象识别),那么,网站的VI设计就应该遵循其CI设计。当然,前提是你必须有一套适用的CI设计。按照我们的经验,有相当的CI设计并不适合应用到网站的视觉设计之中,这使得网站的设计受到很大限制,因此企业在制定其CI设计时,很有必要听取专业网页制作人员的意见,哪怕企业暂时并被有触网的打算。
If you are going to for enterprises to establish a commercial site, is much more should pay attention to the website design VI. If your enterprise itself has a unified CI design (Corporate Indentity, enterprise image recognition), so, the site should follow the VI design CI design. Of course, the premise is you have to have a suitable CI design. According to our experience, have much CI design is not suitable for application to the website of the visual design, which makes the design of the website is very limited, so enterprises in making its CI design, it is necessary to listen to the opinions of the professional web production staff, even if the enterprise and the net by a temporary plan.

A good VI design, in fact with the CI design have appointed Logo, color, or standard word should be development. Especially of color, use the right colour often can get the effect of bring out the best in each other. In addition to the consistency of the Logo itself for the design of the change is also a kind of change, in short, all the practice must be able to develop a more brand image design, and the web site overall properties can be completely let into the visitor's mind. Can let them remember, and can attract visitors back the VI design, is a successful website design VI.
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